
Post #5 ARGO

Based on a true story the movie Argo portrays the historical events of the rescue of six American escapees during the Iranian hostage crisis. Like 12 Years a Slave, Argo is based upon primary sources. Not only did Tony Mendez (the CIA agent personally apart of the rescue) help write the script and advice in the filming process, the movie also had unlimited sources to gather data from such as: news reels, photographs, newspaper excerpts, hostage testimonies, and many CIA files of the mission. Though some aspects of the true story were dramatized or glossed over, the movie was able to maintain the primary historical events accurately while remaining entertaining for all viewers, drawing them closer to the edge of their seat. The movie, however, primarily focused on a "footnote" of the Iranian hostage situation. It focused in on the escape of 6 personal instead of the 52 hostages who remained in captivity for 444 days rather than the escapees who were able to escape in 3 month...

POST #4 Argo

Work Cited: Johnson, R.T. "Posts about Iranian Hostage Crisis on The History Rat."  The History Rat . N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2017. Staff. "Iran Hostage Crisis." . A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 17 May 2017  Chun, Susan. "6 Things You Didn't Know about the Iran Hostage Crisis."  CNN . Cable News Network, 16 July 2015. Web. 17 May 2017.  Mendez, Antonio J. "A Classic Case of Deception."  CIA Goes Hollywood  (2008): n. pag. Web.  (paper and Wald, Matthew L. "Halting a Slow Fade to History."  The New York Times . The New York Times, 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 17 May 2017.   (Paper) 20 Years after the Hostages: Declassified Documents on Iran and the United States . N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2017   (Paper) Bearman, Joshuah. "How the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans From Tehran."  Wired . Conde Nast, 24 Apr. 2007. Web. 17 May 2017.  (Paper)


Dinner Menu Appetizer Ceasar Salad : a common starter to dinners of the 198 0s. Light and simple to leave room for the savory courses to follow.  Main Course Fesenjan (pomegranate Walnut Stew)Iconic stew part of every Iranian menu.Fesenjan has long pedigree, archaeologists found inscribed stone tables from 515 BC which listed foods from the early Iranians. Lovely example of Iranian culture.     Side Item Backed Potato Slices: Flavorable side to accommodate the stew. Popular side item during the 1980's home dinners and party venues.  Dessert Bastani Akbar Mashti : Popular Iranian desert most well known and traditional ice cream in Iran. Mixture of saffron vanilla ice cream with rosewater and pistachios to leave a light tasteful sensation on your palet for all civilians and Hollywood stars. 

Post #2 ARGO

Photograph of American hostage paraded through streets of Iran by militants to signify the "Spies" of America they had uncovered.  Sketch up art created by Jack Kirby a comic book artist who also drew the Hulk, Captain America, Thor and the X-men.  Drew to add harder foundation for cover story to give ultimate legitimacy.  Shredded document prodding information provided by an Iranian Contact. Before the Embassy was invaded workers shredded documents, but the militants hired weavers to resemble the material and have created volumes of books and of American information and shared to Iran.  Original Studio 6 business cards . Authentication that Studio 6 did exist for the cover of the operation. The 6 was to represent the 6 escapees they were going to rescue.   Argo movie poster and an original excerpt from Variety  describing the two makeup artists (including Chambers) who are helping to produce the new science-fi film Argo.  Orig...

Post #1 ARGO

The writer and director of this movie are to attend to voice their desired portrayal for the movie and intentions. Other historical figures are invited to share their personal experience during this time period and acknowledge facts and details most likely unknown to the public on their own decisions. Tony Mendez is the primary figure of the night as he is the only guest to take part in both the making of the film and the actual mission.

Poster Analysis

1. What I know about propaganda is what I learned in World History II last year. I would define it as a method to promote certain views, methods, and invoke a since of pride to contribute. 2. The definition I found was from Merriam-Webster   which defined it as " the spreading of ideas, information, or  rumor  for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person or  ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause." 3. SET 4 4.   Enlist on Which side of the Window are You: The first noticeable aspect of the poster is the giant american flag in the background. It is the only part of the poster with a standing out color beside the word "you" in all caps and red. There is a man standing behind a window where it is dark looking out to see dozens of soldiers marching down, rifles in hand, with the flag waving above them in the light. The structure of the poster h...