
Showing posts from March, 2017

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act ended segregation in public places and in employment banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, or sex. Before Kennedy took office Congress had passed 2 bills to help African Americans to vote, but these were extremely watered down to not cause any southern resistance. Once John F. Kennedy took office and saw all the turmoil occurring in Birmingham he decided to take action because "we will not fully be free until all of its citizens are free"(JFK). Civil Rights Act of 1964 Every citizen of America has rights that should never be discriminated based upon sex, race, or religion.  It is hard to directly state if behaviors of discrimination still occur to day because of how much has changed these past few years. Because everyone has personal rights sometimes it seems like discrimination is happening both ways. For example with the gay rights movements people were protesting that they were being discriminated based upon their gender, but when...