The Civil Rights Act ended segregation in public places and in employment banned discrimination based on race, color, religion, or sex. Before Kennedy took office Congress had passed 2 bills to help African Americans to vote, but these were extremely watered down to not cause any southern resistance. Once John F. Kennedy took office and saw all the turmoil occurring in Birmingham he decided to take action because "we will not fully be free until all of its citizens are free"(JFK).
Civil Rights Act of 1964 |
Every citizen of America has rights that should never be discriminated based upon sex, race, or religion. It is hard to directly state if behaviors of discrimination still occur to day because of how much has changed these past few years. Because everyone has personal rights sometimes it seems like discrimination is happening both ways. For example with the gay rights movements people were protesting that they were being discriminated based upon their gender, but when churches or business did not morally approve of the act based upon their religion they were also discriminated against by saying they were discriminating. It is very confusing but it seems to go both ways. Since morals have changed it is hard for people to agree upon whats for the common good. The only way to see eye to eye is to stand upon the same compass. For our country that source is our constitution and bill of rights. Majority of Americans don't even know what all of their rights are and what our laws state. In order to begin a fix this whirlwind of issues we have formed as a country I think that every American and citizen and this country should have to know their rights, the primary laws, and be educated on government rather than just relying on what political parties say.
JFK Quote |
I enjoyed the documentary very much. I did not know all the details of the movements in Birmingham. I also wasn't aware of all that Bill Conner did to strive to "maintain the order". I loved how they found some of the men and women who were children at the time to share their story of the movement. I thought that the movie really proved that the children of today will create our future and that age does not matter if your wanting to make a difference in the world. It wasn't the parents who marched and voluntarily went to jail, but the children who say that they had to make the change for themselves. I am looking forward to seeing the church because now it has so much more significance to me now that I know all the details of what happened there and why it is so important.
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