
  1. How would you define “progress”?
I would define progress as achieving advancements in a rapid timeframe.

2. What period in time is referred to as the Progressive Era? Why?  What types of issues and actions, and achievements are associated with the Progressive Era? 

The progressive era was between 1890-1920. During this time society faced many issues such as poverty, violence, racism and social class conflict. Efforts to control this was made in education, save environment safety, and good work.

3. Progressives had lots of goals. What do progressive reforms have in common?

Each of these reforms shared the view that the government should be involved in progressivism. The more active the govnerment is the more it can do for the people. They wanted the old constitutional system to be made more democratic. They also wanted more revenue to be provided.

  1. Evaluate the major goals of Progressives and sort them into these 4 categories: (Or make your own categories or ranking system), such as best to worst.
    1. Essential goals worth striving for/ Necessary changes
    2. Good Goals – not strictly necessary but could really improve life
    3. Strange Goals
    4. Not a good idea
Removing corruption from the government
People directly apart of government
Government more involved in social and economic issues

Reformed workplaces

Humanization of ill and prisoners

Abolishing slavery
Women Rights


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